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Pub 4012 2025 Form: What You Should Know

VITA Training. 2025 IRS Training Publications. ​​​​​​​​. VITA Tax Tips: How to Keep the IRS Off Your Back. This information is provided by VITA. Volunteers are people who make voluntary contributions to nonprofit organizations. Volunteers who make voluntary contributions of money or time to nonprofit organizations in exchange for the opportunity to make a tax-deductible contribution have both an educational and charitable service benefit. For individuals who have no qualifying employment, an IRS Form W-4 is mailed to them, usually three or four weeks after their first payroll period ends. In this case, they are not required to fill in and mail the W-4 or pay income tax. For individuals whose income exceeds the limit set at 35% for individuals for the year, Form W-4 may be requested either directly by the employer (i.e., the form is issued by the employer instead of by the IRS) or through the state in which the recipient maintains a place of business, if there is no employer. For individuals who are ineligible for an extension, all tax deadlines must be met, even if a tax extension was requested to prepare for an upcoming tax period. The IRS provides many detailed volunteer resources, including the Tax Community Volunteer Resource Center, a wide array of IRS Volunteer Guide resources and a wealth of tips, handouts, case studies, and other information about volunteer programs. ​​ The IRS will not be able to provide specific information about upcoming tax season events or deadlines because the tax deadline date and date change without any notice to the public. If you are receiving any kind of notification at IRS.gov about upcoming tax seasons/deadlines that does not include the word “deadline,” then we do not have that information. The IRS has a list of frequently asked questions about all things IRS. IRS Resources to Help You Find a Volunteer Position. This section of IRS.gov has a number of resources that will help you find available opportunities as well as current volunteer opportunities. The IRS maintains an online directory of Volunteer Organizations. This directory contains the names and contact information of over 700,000 organizations. Volunteer Service Organization Directory. The SO Directory is used to find volunteer opportunities. Organizations are listed in alphabetical order, or in alphabetical order by district. Volunteer Opportunity Information and Tool Kit for Business Owners.

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